A place for mates rather than dates

Penny went to NO.32 OLD TOWN 8/3/2015

Specs: 👓

Overall Rating:         ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Average Cost pp:     (coffee, main, alcoholic bev)  £20

Nearest Tube:          Clapham Common


What they called the first weekend of Spring was upon us. With temperatures hitting an almighty 14 degrees Celsius, mild enough (just about) to withstand no coat for the first time in 2015, I whacked out the sunnies, pulled on a flimsy summers dress in true Brit fashion, and located a brunch venue with an outdoor area where we could ‘bask’ in the sun. My enthusiasm and sweaty warmth, amassed during a brisk walk across Clapham Common, had blindsided me…sitting on the terrace at No.32 Old Town gusts of pretty chilly wind mocked my beguiled eagerness for summer. Not wanting to lose face in front of Will (who had worn ‘there’s no need!’ winter jacket) I proclaimed again how beautifully sunny and warm it was but cleverly steered us towards a table under heaters. I also spied some rather cosy looking blankets which I cunningly grabbed seemingly allured by their quaintness… top marks for aiding feigned warmth, but bottom line is (she ashamedly admits) it was too cold to be sitting out.

Nonetheless the terrace was nice and had an attractive modern country feel to it, what I’m told is described as ‘New England’. Muted grey and white tartans adorned the setting, matched with pretty olive trees stood in grey wooden plant boxes, decking and long rustic, shared wooden tables. It was a pleasing terrace for sure. The shared tables gave some indication that this was certainly a social place for mates rather than dates. This inkling was only confirmed as hoards of hung-over hunnies descended upon the terrace prattling about their previous night’s endeavours at Dogstar and ordering jugs of Bloody Mary and ‘Elderflower fizz’ to soothe their states. It was one of those places that can only be expected from Clapham, clearly a haunt for the twenty-something public schooled it lacked edge but provided amenities and comfort for this enclave to gather by the dozen.

Will and I ordered a Bloody Mary and Mimosa respectively, alongside two coffees. Feeling unadventurous and hankering for pancakes since dozing off the night before, we both settled on two lots of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and crème fraiche. Everything arrived together and very promptly. At the time I commented on how sometimes food can be served too quickly since it’s always nice to stagger a meal and chat prior to eating, builds up an appetite and all. But upon reflection I feel this is a minor quibble that cannot count for fault at a reasonably priced casual eatery. Coffee – nice, mimosa – check, pancakes – v. good. And it was all very fairly priced. The pancakes were a real treat at £7.50. Soaked in maple syrup, accompanied by crème fraiche and with juicy plump blueberries their only let down was that there weren’t more of them…moreover I felt they were on the snack size rather than filling brunch material. But perhaps this accounts for my insatiable appetite. Not an avid Bloody Mary drinker myself I can’t equitably comment on the drink but Will was disappointed by the low alcohol content and tasted some suspect flavouring not to his taste. Nonetheless it was overall pleasant grub and drinks.

It’s worth noting that we had aimlessly strolled through the main pub/eating area downstairs towards guessed staircase to the terrace, with no direction from staff or offer to be seated. But the staff were friendly if not a little hap handed with service. We overheard conversations apologising for delayed service but offering compensation, and the waiter informed us on paying that it was their first run of service on the terrace (whether that was this year or ever we weren’t sure) but he excused that perhaps things were not as smoothly running as should be. Unorganised perhaps, but polite and friendly they were, and as stressed previously, prompt. Overall No. 32 was fine – a nice place to brunch with good pancakes, a pretty terrace and lively atmosphere.

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